Seed Planting Day
Seed Planting Day is Sunday, April 6, 2025. We will be receiving a special offering to go toward building improvements. Our goal is for each member to plant a seed of $125 or more.
Seed Planting Day is Sunday, April 6, 2025. We will be receiving a special offering to go toward building improvements. Our goal is for each member to plant a seed of $125 or more.
Join us for our Easter Egg Dash under the pavilion on Saturday, April 19th from 12 to 1: 15 PM! This family event will feature free hotdogs, chips and drinks, as well as dancing, drawings, activity stations and an Easter Egg Dash for children ages birth to 12 years old. Invite your friends to come join in on the fun!
This Easter, join us as we gather to celebrate the hope, love, and joy found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ! While parents enjoy the adult service with wonderful praise and worship, a powerful message and partaking in communion, the children will have a great time with their own awesome service, which includes the telling of the Easter story, games, prizes and drawings for Easter Baskets! We are looking forward to seeing you with your family and friends as we celebrate the Resurrection power of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! Service time: 10 AM
Guest minister, Pastor Cal Langford will be ministering on May, 18th in the 10 AM and 5 PM services. Come join us for both of these great services at Living Word Church McDonough.
You are invited to join us at Living Word Church McDonough to hear the Word of God ministered by our guest speaker, Pastor David Harris on Sunday, June 22nd at 10 AM. We look forward to seeing you then.
Guest minister, Reverend David Stearman will be ministering in both the 10 AM and 5 PM services on August 3rd at Living Word Church, McDonough. Come and join us for two great services.
We will have a water baptism after the morning service. If you are interesting in being baptized, please sign up in the foyer.
Farmer Tom Kids’ Crusade is fun for all ages! There is never a dull moment when each service is filled with games, songs, laughs and prizes! Children come ready for an exciting time in God’s House! Parents come and experience the Word of God through the eyes of a child!
Join us Sunday at 10 AM & 5 PM and again on Wednesday at 7:00 PM at Living Word Church in McDonough.
Living Word Church will be hosting a “Bring A Friend” Day on Sunday, September 21st, immediately following the morning service. Lunch will be provided. Come enjoy some hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and a drink. Additional concessions will be available for purchase. We will also have fun activities, which include a cake walk, turkey shoot, and inflatables available for kids (and the kids at heart) to enjoy. Be sure to bring your friends with you to church. We look forward to seeing you on September 21st at 10 AM.
Guest Minister Dr. Larry Hutton will be ministering in both the Sunday morning service at 10 AM and also a special service at 5 PM.
Join us for both of these services at Living Word Church, McDonough, Ga.
Join in on the fun with Pastor Moss and the men of LWC at Longhorns Steakhouse in McDonough, March 23rd at 5 PM for dinner. Please sign up in the foyer if you plan to attend. Men will be responsible for their own meals.
Guest Minister, Pastor Kenny Gatlin will be ministering in both the Sunday morning service at 10 AM and a special service at 5 PM. Join us for these great services at Living Word Church in McDonough, Ga.
Join the ladies of LWC for a Ladies Night Out at the Italian Oven, Sunday, February 23rd at 5 PM. We will meet at the restaurant off of Hudson Bridge Rd. There will be a sign up sheet in the foyer. “Ladies will be responsible for their own meals.”
Fusion Youth Service for students grades 6th-12th are invited to join us in the Fusion Youth Building on February 9th. Service will begin at 10 AM in the church sanctuary for Praise and Worship. Afterwards, the youth will enjoy a great message, and a time of fun and games in the Fusion Youth Building.
Join us for our Chili Cook Off and Corn Hole Tournament at 5 PM in the Fusion Building on Sunday, January 26, 2025 What a fun time for the whole family! No entry fee required, just bring your best chili in a crock pot. The winner will receive a trophy and bragging rights for the year!
Our Next Step Class will be January 26 at 9:00 AM. Whether you are new to Living Word Church or have been coming for a while, we believe that there is a Next Step for you! Please join us in the classroom at the end of the hall and discover how to Grow, Connect, and Serve!
Please sign up in the foyer.
Reverend Bill Ray is an instructor at Rhema Bible Training Center and is an Associate Pastor at Rhema Bible Church who will be ministering at Living Word Church, McDonough on January 19th at 10 AM. Please join us for a great service.
Fusion Youth Service on January 12th. Students, grades 6th-12th are invited to join us in the Fusion Youth Building. Service will begin at 10 AM in the church sanctuary for Praise and Worship. Afterwards, the youth will enjoy a great message, and a time of fun and games in the Fusion Youth Building.
Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Join us at Living Word Church as we celebrate the in coming New Year with the Word of God.
There is no better way to close out the year 2024 than with our church family in the House of the Lord. Join us Sunday, December 29th at 10 AM.
Join us for a special candlelight service on December, 22nd at 10 AM for a time of worship and communion as we reflect on the meaning of the Christmas Story. We look forward to seeing you.
You and your guests are all invited to our Christmas Musical Play performed by our LWCA students. The musical will begin at 7 PM on December 18th. We look forward to seeing you.
Guess who’s birthday it is this month, December 16th? Yes, it is Pastor Moss. Help us honor and celebrate his special day. There will be a gift box in the sanctuary, December 8th through the 15th where you may put a card and monetary gift inside. You may also send a gift through PayPal to Let’s make his birthday one to remember. We love you Pastor Moss. Happy birthday!!!
Come and enjoy our church wide Christmas Party at 5 PM in the Fusion Building on December 8th. Bring a finger food and a $1 or $2 gift for our fun gift exchange game. Invite your friends to join us.
Come show some Christmas spirit by wearing your favorite Christmas sweater on December 8th. Join us at 10 AM in the sanctuary for a time of praise and worship. What a greater way to begin the Christmas holidays!
Living Word Kids can wear their PJ’s to church on Sunday, December 8th for a Kids Christmas Party in Kids’ City. Come and enjoy all the Christmas festivities, and afterwards, come hear the Pastors read the Christmas story. Each child will receive a bag of candy afterwards.
“Bring A Friend Day” on Sunday, October 27th at 10 AM for a great service and a picnic following after the morning service.
Pastors Appreciation/ Sunday, September 29th
Come join us on this special day to show our Pastors how much we love, honor and appreciate them. There will be a gift box in the sanctuary from September 15th - 29th, where you can place a card of appreciation, as well as, a monetary gift to show love to our Pastors. You can also send a monetary gift through PayPal by sending it to
If you normally give on a weekly basis, feel free to make those weekly contributions in the gift box or through PayPal. Please make checks payable directly to our Pastors.
Fusion Youth Service | Students grades 6th - 12th are invited to join us in the Fusion Youth Building on Sunday, August 25th. Service starts at 10:00 AM in the sanctuary. After Praise and Worship, the youth will leave to go over to the Fusion Building. At Fusion Youth, there's awesome music, great messages that apply to your life and plenty of time built in to hang out with friends.
LWC Men’s Connect Group | Dinner at Longhorns Steakhouse. Join Pastor Moss and the men of LWC at Longhorns Steakhouse at 5:00 PM for dinner on August 18th. Don't miss out on the fun! If you plan on attending, please sign up in the foyer.
Longhorns Steakhouse - 1856 Jonesboro Rd, McDonough, GA 30253
Water baptismal after the AM service. If you are interested in being baptized, please sign up in the foyer
Sunday, August 11th: Guest Minister Tony Cowan will be with us in the morning service.
Sunday, June 16th: Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers! Join us as Pastor Moss delivers a special message of encouragement. Each man will receive a gift and we will have a few drawings for prizes as well!
Sunday, May 12th: Mothers Day | We love celebrating the women in our lives a little extra during this special weekend! Join us at 10 AM for a special time of encouragement and affirmation. Each lady will receive a gift and we will have a few drawings for prizes as well!
Sunday, May 5th: Seed Planting Day. We will be receiving an offering to go towards a new deck and ramp on the modular building of Living Word Christian Academy. Let’s have a goal for each member to give $125 or more.