Pastor Moss is a 1979 graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center, an associated ministry of Kenneth Hagin Ministries, located in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. After hearing the Lord's direction to "Go South", he resigned his Associate Pastorate with Buddy Harrison Ministries-. Pastor Moss and his wife, Charlotte moved to Georgia and founded Living Word Church in February of 1986 first in a home, then moved into a storefront. In July of 1991 the new facilities for Living Word Church were built where we are currently worshiping.
Pastors Larry and Charlotte Moss teach and preach the uncompromising Word of God. They emphasize the importance of the local church in developing the lives of Christians, as well as ministering to the needs of families on every level.

It is our desire to see you walk in all of the blessings God has for you. We strive to achieve that by teaching and preaching the un-compromised Word of God, and by demonstrating His overwhelming love and compassion.
Living Word Church is a Nondenominational, Word of Faith Church that specializes in bringing unity and strength to each family in Christ centered loving atmosphere. We do this by making sure every family member has a place to worship. While the adults experience heart felt praise and worship and receive practical Bible teachings, the children are being taught about the love of God, and how to be more than conquerors in their daily life.
After every service the whole family will leave equipped to overcome challenges in today's world.

Living Word Church McDonough
185 Tunis Road | McDonough, GA 30253

We are to GROW in “spirit and in truth.” Knowing God’s Word and how it makes a difference in our day-to-day living is the key to a balanced life. Growing in knowledge is vital, but growing is also about truly becoming a disciple and seeing God’s Word come alive in our life. It’s about developing a close relationship with God and walking out the plan He has for us.
We believe that it is important for everyone to discover a place where they can connect and grow. We were never created to "do life" alone and Connect Groups provide a great way to connect with a smaller group of people that are brought together by topics/interests, activities, meals, and fellowship. CONNECT GROUPS are a safe place to be known, encouraged, celebrated, and challenged while helping people connect with each other and with God.
True discipleship can be distinguished by the ability to serve. Being a part of something really means joining together around the vision and mission, and putting your hand to whatever the needs are. We are passionate about serving in various capacities because we believe that as we SERVE in God’s House, we find purpose & fulfillment in helping others experience Jesus.
Whether you’ve been a part of Living Word Church for 2 weeks or 2 years, we believe that there is a Next Step for you.
We believe that life is better together. Getting connected is an important part of Living Word Church. We want to help you connect to God, each other, and the church. We want to connect with you at our Next Steps Class — Coffee and pastries are provided and you’ll hear a bit about where we’ve been & where we are going and why YOU are an important part of Living Word Church. If you are interested in becoming a member, or want more information on how to be more involved, we would love to have you!