Count it all Joy
Count it all joy when you go through the test and through the trial
Knowing this that it will only last just a little while
You must keep your joy as you go throughout the land
And keep the victory shout because I have given you the upper hand
The enemy has lost his foothold for you can clearly see
That you are truly living in America; the land of the free
You will overcome; you may not know when and even knowhow
But maintain your confession and yes do not lose you wow
Thing are getting better now as you give me all your praise
I’m working thing out for you as you continue to follow my ways
My plans for you are way beyond your imagination
I’ll bring your desires to pass very soon without hesitation
Your increase is coming now as you continue to follow me
I will take care of you my child and I will keep you free
I will not let you down for I knew you before you were born
Even then; I had a plan for your escape when you became tired and worn
But lift up your eyes now for I am doing a new thing
I have heard your prayer and your victory I do bring
When your circumstances look impossible and everything seems to go wrong
Don’t give up on your faith in me for my joy will make you strong
I am moving things around in your life and you will soon see the change
I’m working on your behalf to make sure those things are re-arranged
They will turn around in your favor because your faith is in my Word
It’s going to be different now because you have taken heed to what you have heard
You are living in the final hours for soon I will return for you
So don’t worry and be fretful because I will do what I said I will do