Love and Peace

Love and Peace

Don't blame others when bad things happens to you in life.

It's the devil who steals, kills, and destroy and one way is through envy and strife.

So don't you give him any place by following his ways,

But follow God's love then blessing will come and you will be amazed.

Speak well of others even when they have done you wrong because you disagree,

But God said not to judge them because they don't belong to you, they belong to me.

Just focus on what God have called you to do and don't judge them even when they do you wrong.

Pull back you criticism towards them and walk in forgiveness and leave them alone.

When you walk in love; then faith will give you peace.

And faith will work for you because love has been released.

For you to remain victorious; Faith and love is the answer and they are keys.

This is the way peace is manifested in your life for you to remain free.

By loving others is how they will know that you are God’s disciple.

Love should be shown to the world and not just in a temple or a chapel.

Love is kind, gentle, longsuffering, forgiving and so much more.

This is how love works and this is how you follow the Lord. 

If you want to be blessed and enjoy what God has for you today, 

Then don’t live a critical life, but walk in God’s Love for it is the way. 

In the world there will be times of darkness, but don’t let your peace be taken. 

God will take care of his own as you stay in his love and not be shaken. 

Love, Faith, and Peace will always work together so you will not fall, 

Then everything that you will ever need in life will be supplied as your faith stands strong and tall.