The Spirit of God in You
No one knows the way of the Spirit except the Spirit of God in man.
He is the third person of the Godhead patiently fulfilling the master's plan.
Revealing the revelation of God to bring him into the glorious light.
He is called the Spirit of Wisdom and he is called the Spirit of Might.
He is revealing to man what the Father is saying; so wisdom can lead the way.
So man can be led by the Spirit of God by the Word each and every day.
The Holy Spirit wants to show you some blessings that the Father has in store for you,
But you must spend some time with him in order to have insight to walk them through.
Recognize that he is the greater one in you, so take time and listen to his voice.
He is in you for a reason so he can reveal and help you to make the right choice.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so don’t give the devil any place.
The Spirit of God lives inside you to strengthen and to help you to run your race.
He brought you out of darkness and translated you into the light,
And with his creative power; he recreated you brand new and stood you upright.
You were born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by God’s Word
You are now in the family of God and to you all of God’s blessings have been conferred.
Therefore you are no longer a spiritually dead man who was once without God in this world
The Spirit of God now lives inside you for the enemy have be defeated and hurled.
So you are not alone because the Spirit of God is in you forever to abide.
Be at peace because you have God Word, Jesus the Son and the Spirit of God now living inside.