Healing for the Total Body

 Healing for the Total Body

What are you saying?

 I shall not die but live to declare the works of the Lord

 I will not lack in health for I choose to live healthy as I continue to move forward.

 When my body cries out in pain and tells me that I am going to die.

 I say shut up in the Name of Jesus because the Word of God says with long life will he satisfy.

 All of my body parts are functioning properly and are working together leaving no parts behind.

 Because there is power in the Name and in the Blood of the Lamb that keeps them working all the time.

 I talk to my heart, my kidneys, lungs, nerves and to all my bones

 That in the Name of Jesus they are alive, well, healthy, healed and they are strong.

 I talk to my mind and say that you are sound. Blood pressure you are normal and I have no allergies,

 For those too will have no part in my body for I know the Word of God and it is my reality.

 I also remind my ears that my hearing is perfect and to my eyes that they have perfect vision.

 All of the different parts of my body are working perfectly because my confidence in God's Word for I have made my decision.

 I talk to my joints and my muscles, my elbows and knees that they will not be filled with arthritis, infirmities or any kind of disease.

 I talk to my stomach, my back and lungs and to every part of my body that I will never have cancer.

 According to Galatians 3:13 I have been redeemed from the curse of the law and this scripture is my answer. 

 How can I be so bold in saying why I believe that these blessings are mine?

 It is because of the Word of God that says my total health comes by being connected to Jesus the true vine.

 Your health is just words away when you have received insight into God's will

 He does not want you to suffer with sickness and disease so walk in faith to what you believe is real

 Death and life are in the power of your words so take heed in what you say,

 Faith will operate when you take God's word to heart for it will bring light into your pathway.

 Since you now realize how to stay healthy, you will need to take heed to God's Word

 This is how you are going to overcome as you continue to be a doer of what you have heard.

Living Word Church McDonough