There is turbulence throughout the land in the very atmosphere
The enemy is running rapid because he knows his time is short and very near
Even though the devil is moving throughout the earth to bring destruction on man
Keep your faith in the Lord because you will be protected as in the palm of his hand
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid
Don’t be moved by the darkness and don’t you be dismayed
The Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken
Keep building your house on the rock and you will not be shaken
There shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places
But if you keep your trust in God you will spend your time in the oasis
When you hear of wars and destruction, be not terrified
Because the greater one lives in you and in him you do reside
When you are tempted to fear and doubt; just keep the faith and move forward
Because God said; Not by Might, Not by Power but my spirit saith the Lord
Dangerous times will increase on the earth as time runs out to the end
It is time to get back into fellowship with God and renew your heart again
Even though darkness on the earth will increase as it has been said
Don’t fear; Just stay in fellowship with the lord and continue to be spirit fed
When the flood came during the days of Noah; He and his family were spared
Because Noah obeyed God and built the ark and they were prepared
So as it was in the days of Noah when the flood came on the earth
There is now a place of safety that has been prepared through the new birth
When these things begin to come to pass, then look up into the sky
Because these are the last days and your redemption is drawing nigh
The man that delights greatly in his commandments; him and his seed shall be blessed
Because in the midst of the turbulence; he and his family will have spiritual rest
The alarm has been sounded for the end is now upon the land
Get ready for his appearing because the coming of the Lord is at hand
So stay busy working and serving the Lord
Soon and very soon you will be receiving your heavenly reward