Take No Thought For Your Life
Why take thought for your life on where you are going and on what you want to be?
Don’t try to figure things out on your own; just put your trust and confidence in me
Even though you have missed it and have had setbacks because of sin
I still have plans for you and I will raise you up and give you a brand new start again
There are some things that I have assigned for you to do
Because the calling on your life many years ago was given unto you
When you get to the place that you are called; you will know and not doubt
So don’t you worry about anything because as your Heavenly Father; I will work it all out
I have heard the cries of your heart even during the midnight hours
And the answer to your prayer is; I have forgiven you and you are not void of power
You still have the greater one living on the inside of you to assist you to fulfil my plan
I still have a work for you to do so rise up in the Name of Jesus and take your stand
I am not counting up your trespasses because you have been cleansed by my blood
You have no past sins for they are in the sea of forgetfulness because of my love
So return back into fellowship with me and I will show you what I can do
As you fellowship with me and my word; I will manifest myself through you
Fear thou not; for I am with you to give you strength day by day
Because I have your future planned out for you and I will continue to lead the way
As you follow me; I will restore health unto you and financially you will be blessed
For I have declared you just and as you live by faith you will finally be at rest
So guard your thoughts from this day forward because great things are ahead
It’s a new day now; so rise up again and be spirit led
Things will be different now for they will turn around; just be patent and you will see
Because as your Heavenly Father when you come to me; I am here to set you free