The Experience of Pentecost

The Experience of Pentecost

The experience of Pentecost is now happening for it has been released 

It is now time for signs, wonders and miracles to exceedingly increase

God is moving in a supernatural way in pockets of revival throughout the land

It is increasing and getting stronger and stronger for it is now at hand

The moving of this experience will be for those who have been praying for a change

And many who have not been praying; this move to them will be strange

Those who are in darkness will not understand and many of them will be filled with fright

But this move of the Spirit will shine upon them and many will be changed because of this glorious light

Prepare yourselves and get ready for the signs of the times are in the very atmosphere

Don’t keep saying that this move will happen someday in the future; but say this move

is now here

As it was in the days of Noah; many did not believe that the flood would come because

of their sin

And that the Ark would be built and they would be left outside and could not enter in

Many in the days that you are living in will soon know without a doubt

That Jesus has come like he said he would and have taken his family out

So recommit yourselves back to Jesus your first love in which you have once known

So you too can experience the last days of Pentecost in which now is being shown

The best days of the church are upon us and great days are ahead

There are now showers of blessings falling and it is still moving straight ahead

When the Lord comes for his church; it is not going to be a church that is down and out

It is going to be a glorious church which is filled of praise and victory shouts

It will not slow down because you are now living in the time of the end 

The Trumpet will soon sound and you will hear the voice of the Lord say; “Welcome home good and faithful servant come on in”