Why Should I Fear?
Why should I fear when I know that the greater one, he lives inside me?
I have the Word of God, the sword of the spirit; my defense against the enemy.
God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind
And his plans are to bless me, so now I can go forward and not look behind.
Why should I fear when the angels of the Lord have been sent to protect and watch over me in all my ways?
And the Holy Spirit is leading and guiding me by shining forth a light into my pathway.
Why should I fear when I know that God has sent his word and healed me?
He has set me free from the curse of every sickness and every disease.
Why worry and be afraid when I know in whom I believe?
That Jesus is my lord and salvation and he will take care of me.
Even when destruction and confusion surrounds me and is moving near,
My confidence and my faith is in him so whom shall I fear?
When the enemy comes against me to attack me from all sides,
It is not me that he is afraid of but Jesus who dwells inside.
When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death; I will not stay there and camp out,
Because I know that God is with me in the midst of it all; therefore I'm going through with a victory shout.
Even though I may walk through the valley of the hurts and the pain,
When it is all over; I will still be standing because I standing in Jesus Name
You must continually see yourself on the other side even when your manifestation has not been revealed
Remember! If the Lord said that he will bring you out of the valley; THEN HE Will.
So rise up and keep the faith and keep moving forward,
Because it’s not by might, not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord