A Special Message for the Youth
Your parents made decisions for you when you was young. When you become older you will be responsible to continue to make right decisions. Choose the right friends and relationships. Also it is very crucial for you to make the right decision when choosing a future mate. Will they take you away from God or closer to him? If you have second thoughts about marriage, then don’t move forward. Make sure that it is God’s plan because he knows the future, so it is important not to be in a hurry for marriage. As a single person, be sure to affect the world and do not let the world affect you. Eventually you will have a mate and one day a family. Let your steps be ordered of the Lord. As a single you can still dare to dream big and accomplish things in your life. Don’t give up. If you fail, keep believing in yourself and move forward. You don’t have to be a perfect single individual to have success in life, just have a never quitting attitude. Keep your eyes on God, because he is the one who will guide you through life with the right person to reach your destiny. Remember the friends you choose will determine your destiny good or bad so choose wisely. Do not get involved with wild parties and alcohol drinkers that are not suitable for a Christian. Many young people have went astray because of having wrong associations. Since your parents have always been there for you and supported you, be sure to draw from their wisdom and listen to their advice because you are where you are because of God and your parents. Your future is bright so again don’t give up because you are going to make it.