You are a Habit Creator

You are a Habit Creator

You are a creator of your own habits, whether they are good or whether they are bad 

In time they will either make you happy or they will make you sad 

You will only do what you really want to do because of the habits created by you 

Habits will bring pleasure to your spirit or your flesh so which habits will you choose 

Good habits will bring pleasure to those around you because they will see your obedience and dependability.

It will bring encouragement to those you work with because you will show credibility.

Bad habits will cause others to lose confidence in what you do or what you say,

because of the habits you created when you were doing things your own way.

Therefore God is calling the Body of Christ to return back to their faithfulness.

You need to create good spiritual habits of walking in righteousness and in holiness.

There are many who are being led by their flesh day after day,

For the commitments they once had has shriveled and withered away.

It is not because they don’t love God; it is because their desire has faded.  

Yet! Their love for God will become weaker because of the bad habits they created 

If you have good habits that are pleasing to God then continue to pursue 

but if they are pulling you away from your commitment to God then you know what to do.

Only you can judge yourself and turn a bad habit around and make it good 

Then you will feel better about yourself when you are doing what you should.

Even Jesus when He was in Nazareth had a habit to enter into the synagogue.

How much more should we follow his habit of entering into the House of God?

It was his habit or custom also to spend much time with his father in prayer 

How much more should we follow that example too and meet Him there 

So make a decision to create habits that will let your light shine before men,

Then a good habit will be created in you from straying away and walking into sin.

Living Word Church McDonough