Don’t Seek after the Spectacular

Don’t Seek after the Spectacular

Many are looking for the spectacular because they want to be entertained.

They are not hungry for the Word of God so therefore they’ll never change.

The world has slipped into the church and many have taken the leap,

Because of the entertainments and the concerts that have put them to sleep. 

The moving of the Holy Spirit is rarely seen in this kind of an atmosphere,

Because these gatherings are orchestrated by the flesh, only the anointing can set the

captives free.

Even though there are some large crowds coming together to serve one another

in love,

They don’t even realize that when it’s only entertainments and concerts; it is nothing but a religious night club.

And yet there are some crowds that are truly experiencing the move of the Spirit because these gathering are focused on the Spirit and on the Word.

They are not caught up in entertainments or concerts for they are changed by the Spirit and the Word from what they have heard.

It does not matter the size of a church that you attend whether large or small,

As long as you are blessed by the Word and the Spirit to help you grow spiritually strong and tall.

Entertainments and concerts are not bad as long as the Spirit of God has priority in everything that is done. 

When the Word is promoted and the Spirit has the freedom to move then he will bring all the glory to Christ the Son.

So don’t be following, seeking or chasing after the spectacular because the enemy will accommodate you with false manifestations, 

So stay steady in the Word of God then you will experience the confirmation of God’s word in demonstrations 

Living Word Church McDonough