The Healing Anointing
The Healing Anointing
Dec 15, 2020
The healing anointing is at work in your body to bring a healing and a cure
By the stripes of Jesus and through his shed blood, you were cleansed and made pure
It is his Anointing that is working in you to fix what is wrong to make it right
You shall not die, but live to declare the works of the Lord because you have Holy Ghost revelation and insight
Don't entertain the enemy's thoughts that will hinder your faith in what you believe
Remember what God said in His Word when He said, I am the Lord that healeth thee
Hold fast to the confession of your faith in God's Word and keep your mind under control
For the anointing of the Word of God is at work in your body to make it complete and whole
The same Jesus who walked through the cities and villages and healed them who were sick back then
Is the same yesterday, today and forever for the same anointing is in you right now, and He will do it again
Don't listen to the devil’s lies when he says that you are not going to get your healing this time
Resist him in the Name of Jesus and say No! Satan, I have already received my healing, so get thee behind
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, so be cautious of the choice of your words that are coming out
God's Word has been sent to bring healing to you when you are determine to walk in faith and not doubt
In the Name of Jesus, tell the devil to get his hands off of your body and also tell your body to come in line
You will no longer walk in fear because you have inside information given to you from the Heavenly Father Divine
So pick up the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit, and let your voice be heard
You have everything you need to be healthy, healed and whole because you have the Holy Spirit and God's Word