A Time in History

A Time in History

There was a time in history when life became spiritually and extremely dark,

 Then God sent Jesus on a journey for a mission to embark.

 He was to carry a cross up Calvary’s Hill to be crucified as a Lamb to take away the sin of the world.

 To pay the price by the shedding of his blood for every man, woman, boy and girl

 Adam sold us out and a spiritual darkness came on the earth to every man.

 The curse of spiritual death, sickness, disease and poverty came to hinder God’s plan

 So God needed a Lamb for a sacrifice to redeem man back to him by taking man's place,

 Then he sent his son to be that perfect sacrifice because of his love and his grace.

 God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son to give his life for one and for all.

 So man could come back into fellowship with God again in spite of Adam's fall.

 We will never be able to comprehend the sufferings that Jesus had to go through.

It was not the nails driven through his hands and feet that held him there; it was his love that held him there for you.

 He could have called ten legions of angels to rescue him as he was hanging there.

 But he said No! I choose to stay here because I have an assignment that I must bear

Through the sufferings and the pain Jesus cried out! Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

He said Father why hath thy forsaken me? Then later said Father into thy hands I commit my spirit; I commit myself to you.

But this was not the end of his journey; for as Jonah was in the belly of a whale three days and three nights,

So Jesus had to descend into the heart of the earth to take man’s place which would be the Devil's final fight.

You can look back into history and be thankful for what God has done through his only begotten son.

Because through his death, his burial and resurrection you and I are now in the family of God as one

Because on that third day in hell, God raised him up to become the first born of many brethren of the new birth.

Jesus was raised from physical and spiritual death and he ascended into heaven to present his blood on the mercy seat so that man could be born again on earth.

The devil had the authority that Adam gave to him in the Garden that day,

But when Jesus was made alive with the Spirit of God, he defeated the devil in his own territory and took the authority away

Then Jesus left us with these words! Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Now since we have ventured back into the time of history, with God on our side and with this authority back into our hands, there is nothing against us that the devil can do.

We are now God’s representatives telling the good news of what was done in history that gave to us a future which will be glorious and bright.

 So enjoy the time and the season that you are now living in because you have been chosen and have been translated into the light.