Thank God for America Thank God for AmericaWe thank God for America the land of the free for it will stand and not fall.We are one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.Continue to pray for our leaders for encouragement to keep their heads up raisedAnd with thanksgiving give God all the glory and all of the praiseA lot of blood was spilled to keep America prosperous and freeSo let’s thank God for America because we have been blessed indeedThe leaders who are in opposition to bless America will not be blessed in what they sayWhen they speak against this nation; their political position will eventually be taken awayGod will execute his plan and will not be stopped by any demon or any manWhen they come against this nation they are coming against God's people and will not standThey are coming against the kingdom of God and the Lord of HostThey are coming against the third person of the Godhead who is the Holy Ghost.They are coming against Jesus the one who said; IT IS IThey are also coming against the one who is called El - Shaddai Goliath came against David and said he was going to feed his flesh to the fowls of the air after he is deadBut he did not realize that God was on David's side and David took a sword and cut off his headPharaoh rebelled against Moses and would not let God's people go for he was determined without doubtGod sent plagues throughout the land of Egypt until Pharaoh released them and they all went out.A mighty army gathered around Elisha and his servant to attack and killedElisha prayed and said, “O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see then chariots of fire with angels was revealedGod will continue to watch over America and in him we are mighty and strong He will always be with us and never abandon us and leave us aloneAmerica is opening back up because this is the way it should always beThis is why we love America because it is the land of the free Living Word Church McDonoughApril 19, 2020 Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr 0 Likes