The Army of God
You have the whole armor of God so that you can stand
Against the attacks of the enemy and make them scatter and disband
You have on the inside of you the awesome power of God’s ability
And have been deputized with authority to do warfare against all hostility
You are in the Army of God and as a soldier you need to take your place
You have everything you need to overcome and to complete the race
The weapons you have is all you need that is alive on the inside
When the enemy sees you coming, he will flee as in terror and hide
Don’t sit back and complain, moan and groan and say WOE IS ME
Stand up in the Name of Jesus with the Word of God and use your authority
Because Satan is afraid of the Name of Jesus that you proclaim
Every sickness and disease will have to bow when you mention that name
You have a God given right to stand up with authority and face your foe
And say in the Name of Jesus; I command you Satan to get up and go.
That authority is in that Name which will cause the enemy to back down
You don’t have to put up with them; just bind them and they will be bound
When you take your place and come against the enemy at large
You will be blessed because now you have taken charge
Rise up and fight in God’s Army because with that anointing you will be
The one who will fight the good fight of faith and walk in victory