Forgive Yourself and Rise Again

Forgive Yourself and Rise Again

If you have been hindered in life because of sin and have fallen

Ask God to forgive you.  Make it right with others and fulfill the calling

There must a be true repentance in order for you to proceed forward

To be a soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ as you continue to march onward

God has forgiven you, but yet there is another thing that you must do

There is another person in your life that you must forgive and it is you

If you have ask God to forgive you then leave it, let it drop and let it go

You cannot dwell on past sins and continue to stay in the Holy Ghost flow

When you miss the mark then quickly repent but don’t see it as a defeat

Remind the devil that his has nothing in you and he is still under your feet

Your sins have been cast into the sea of forgetfulness so why stay down

The blood of Jesus was shed for you; now you are standing on solid ground

You are standing in God’s presence as though sin has never been

Because of the Everlasting Covenant you have been cleansed from all sin

If you sin, you have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous

So you can stay aglow, burning with the Spirit serving the Lord in holiness

The reason why you have been redeemed is because of God’s love and grace

And when you fall as a Child of God; get back up and continue the race

Remember who you are in him so don’t dwell and live in the past

You have God’s forgiveness and throughout eternity it will last