America is Our Home

America is Our Home

America is our home and Satan we have had enough

In the Name of Jesus take your hands off of this nation and our stuff

It is the land of the free and this will always be our home

So bow your knees in the Name of Jesus; leave and be gone

You are trying to use some leaders in order to bring us down

It won’t work because in the Name of Jesus we are standing on solid ground

We bind you in the Name of Jesus from sending leaders to attack

We demand our rights because this is our land and we are taking it back

Take your hands off of the small businesses for they are essential

Employers and employees are needed because their jobs has great potential

In the Name of Jesus take your hands off of our churches in this land

You will not and cannot stop us because of the blood in which we stand

Satan! You are a liar and everything you say is not true but false

And we will continue to fight for this nation through prayer at all cost

We bind every spirit that are spreading discord throughout our nation

We have had enough and we will not put up with any evil invasion

In the Name of Jesus take your hands off of our leaders and President

This is our land and we call it America; which is our home and residence

Satan! We serve you notice that you have already been bound with our authority

And we will enjoy our lives together in a land that we love which is

America! The land of the free