Never Be Divided
Never be divided from your church family by being dis-connected from them all
Because as a family of God together; united you stand and divided you fall
If the enemy can convince you to draw back from the family that you hold dear
His goal is to separate you from the others then he will get you to walk in fear
In unity there is strength and with that strength your faith will soar
God wants you to draw nigh to Him with others so He can bless you more
Iron sharpens Iron and you need that fellowship with all the others
Don’t dis-connect yourself from the brethren, which is your sisters and brothers
God is calling His people to think differently and return to others and re-unite
For they that bind together in love and unity will be walking in the light
Many believers have drawn back because of the evil reports that they have heard
That you don’t have to be present in a church service to hear God’s Word
But you need to be together with your family serving Him in one accord
Because this is one of God’s commandments that was given us to serve the Lord
It is time to prove to God and to yourself that you will not draw back
You are going to march onward as a Christian Soldier and will not walk in lack
The choice is now up to you on what you are going to believe
But as for me and my house I choose to take it to heart and receive