Flying With the Eagles
Flying with the Eagles
When you wait upon the Lord He will renew your strength, and you will become victorious and strong
In order for you to be mighty in battle, you must spend private times with your Heavenly Father in His presence alone
You will then be able to mount up with wings as eagles, and you shall run and not be weary, you shall walk and not faint
And no matter what comes against you, you will be able to overcome all things through Christ, even when the devil says you can’t
Eagles learn how to fly on the wind thermal conditions in the right kind of atmosphere
As a believer, you will need to learn how to fly in the power of the Holy Spirit by what you hear
The Word of God says that the way of an eagle is in the air
As a believer, one wing represents praise, and the other wing represents prayer
You will need to lift up both wings together to God in one accord
Then, you will be like an eagle with supernatural eye sight and great strength to soar
The first thing that an eagle will do in the midst of an approaching storm
He will lift up both of his wings toward the skies and with patience, he will not be alarmed
As a believer, the wind of the Holy Spirit will gather beneath your wings, and up higher you will be raised
And you will continue to soar over every circumstance with thanksgiving and praise
The eagle will swoop down to gather some fresh meat for food in order to gain more strength
As a Child of God, you will gather fresh manna from the Word of God in order to continue to soar the full length
An eagle cannot fly too long when he is carrying a lot of weight for a long haul
So, as a believer, you must release the weight that is holding you back because it will cause you to lose strength and you too will fall
So, if you are going to be like an eagle, then maintain your joy and consistently stay in prayer
Because as the Word has said, the way of the eagle is in the air