Power in The Name of Jesus


All power is invested in the Name of Jesus and will do miracles when it is spoken

When that name is used in spiritual warfare, the power of the enemy will be broken

Jesus said all power has been given unto me in heaven and in earth so go forward

Whatever you do in word and in deed, do it in the Name of the Lord

Faith in His Name and in His Word will give you authority to set the captives free

The Word of God says in James 4: 7 to resist the devil and he will have to flee   

When the Name of Jesus is spoken with authority, then there is nothing he can do  

All you need is the Word, the Holy Spirit and the Name of Jesus working in you    

Peter spoke to a certain man that was crippled and said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee:

In the name of Jesus rise up and walk and he lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength and finally he was healed and made free

What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven when you speak the Name of Jesus and His Word

Devils will tremble at the sound of that Name for they must take heed to what they have heard

There is power in the Name of Jesus and it is there for you to use
When the enemy tries to put sickness on you speak the Name of Jesus refuse
Don’t let sickness and disease take up residents in your body and there abide 
Speak the Name of Jesus because the Holy Ghost Power is on the inside 
All authority has been given to every daughter and to every son 
So take the Name of Jesus and the sword of the spirit and put the devil on the run 
You can bind him in boldness because the authority is in your hand 

It is the Name of Jesus given to you that will help you take your stand
Speak against sickness and disease right now for there is health to gain
Then you will realize that the pain you once had will no longer stay and remain