Check Up On Yourself (June 30, 2021)
There are some who want to only be lifted up and edified
If a minister delivers a message of correction, then he will be criticized
They are only looking for someone who can make them feel great
Even while they spew out bitter words of anger, strife and hate
They have become lukewarm and don’t realize the connection
That they have become cold inside and refuse to receive correction
They have lost their desire to dwell in the secret place of the Most High
They still say that they are ok, but the truth is they know that it is a lie
Their heart speaks differently, because of their words and actions
They say one thing, but in their life they have a different reaction
They hold resentment in their heart because of what some believe
So they withdraw from them and don’t realize that they have been deceived
They withhold their financial support because of resentment in their heart
This is why they stepped aside and are no longer doing their part
There will be many who will pull away from the fold
Thinking that they are doing what is right, but they have become cold
Sometimes there are Words of Inspiration and sometimes Words of Correction
This is a Word of Correction to them who have lost their connection
God gave gifts unto men and some he gave apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Anointed by the Holy Spirit to be preachers
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Whether it is a Word of Inspiration or a Word of Correction, give God all the praise for his love toward us to help us not to walk in idleness
So check up on yourself to see if your heart is right before God and man
Be renewed in the spirit of your mind and fall in love with God again