Get Out of the Foxhole

July 10, 2021

Wake up soldier, stand up about face and get back into the battlefield

The foxhole isn't for you. Rise up and gather your weapons. The enemy has been revealed

Give him no place by letting him take up residence in your mind

He defeated you in the past but don’t let him defeat you again this time 

How long will halt between two opinions? Are you going to pursue him or hide and play dead? 

Don't run from the enemy. Fight the good fight of faith and attack him straight ahead

Don't you dare lay down your weapons and say that you have had enough.

Flex your spiritual muscles and say Satan! ln the Name of Jesus, take your hands off my stuff

It's not by might nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord

Pick up your shield of faith, the Sword of the Spirit and move on forward

The enemy can defeat you by putting his thoughts into your mind

Cast down those imaginations and bring every thought into captivity and you will win every time

Don't back down and let the devil have his way in your marriage and in your home

Take Charge of your life and tell the devil to back off in the Name of Jesus and be gone

The devil is not afraid of you. He is afraid of the greater one inside you and must take heed

So get out of the foxhole of doubt and be the soldier that God has meant for you to be.   

If you are not active in serving God, then you are living in a foxhole of doubt

Fear has gotten ahold of you and with fear in your life; you will never get out

You don’t have to stay there because God did not give you a spirit of fear

Get out of the foxhole and be a soldier for God will give you strength to persevere

Encourage yourself and be glad in the lord for you will overcome them all

God will always be with you in battle and pick you up each time you fall

Sometimes you may be down but not out, so gather up you loins and take command

You are not alone so do all you know to do; having done all to stand, stand

Great days are ahead of you so be that blood bought child of God and win

And never listen to any more thoughts about living in the foxhole again

Are you ready to run again and be who God has anointed you to be and to do?

Then get back up and brush off the doubt of unbelief and let God work through you