A True Pastor
Fri Aug 6, 2021
God has anointed and given Shepherds after his own heart
To feed the church the Word of God so they can do their part
Regardless of how they respond, he must tell them the truth
So they can walk in righteousness from the very beginning of their youth
Honor them because they have been anointed to watch over your soul
They have laid down their life for you, so you can be spiritually strong, complete and whole
God has placed Shepherds all over the world who will follow him and do His will
Sometimes it's not easy, but they must stay on course until their calling is fulfilled
A true Shepherd will be honest with his flock by speaking forth a word of correction
If you show honor and receive it in love, then it will keep you going the right directions
It is God's will for everyone to have a Shepherd, but Shepherds must be received
By the grace of God, they were given to teach His people how to remain strong and to stay free
Many people have been blessed because of the love and honor they have shown to the Shepherd over them
They did not become familiar with him and took him for granted, neither judged or condemned
The Shepherd that God has placed over you is for you to spiritually grow and have accountability
He is in your life to feed, instruct and teach you how to bring what has been impossible into the realm of possibilities
So honor the one that God has anointed, trained and prepared to be over you
Speak good things over him and God's blessings will surely come through