What Are You Doing With Your Faith?

September 25, 2021

Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen.

It is faith that operates through the authority of Christ Jesus the King

It is faith that overcomes the world and brings supernatural peace

Every Child of God has faith to move mountains when it is released

Faith comes from hearing God's Word and is released when it is spoken

It will not accomplish what it is design to do when it is unspoken

With faith you can bind devils and command them in the Name of Jesus to flee

When a Child of God speaks faith with authority, demons must submit and bow their knee

The just shall live by faith; and this is how you can enjoy victory when you take a bold stand

It is when a blood bought, blood washed Child of God uses their God given faith to take command

What are you doing with your faith? Is it lying dormant, or is it working and active?

Even though you have faith to move mountains, but have not love, then faith becomes inactive

Through faith we understand that the world through the spoken Word was framed

The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters harkening to God's voice to rearrange

This is what faith will do, when you walk by faith and not by sight

It will usher you into a place of victory as you continue to walk in the light

To walk by faith you must first have your mind transformed by God's word

It will change your way of speaking that will cause what you believe to be transferred

Even though you cannot feel it or see it, it is no sign that God is not moving 

Those who refuse to believe the Word of God will always be in doubt and always be losing

It's hard to believe when you are in tremendous pain and lack is knocking at your door

But Remember who the Lord is, He can take away the pain and bless you with so much more

The people who are blessed are the ones who have learned how to walk in faith and not by sight

When they don't see the manifestation, they keep on believing and continues to walk in the light 

So faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen

Give God all the praise because He has given this God kind of faith to you the redeemed

What are you doing with your faith?  Rise up and put the devil on the run

This is how you can walk in victory because with faith you can always overcome


Living Word Church McDonough