Laying Aside Your Will
Jan 2, 2022
This is the year for you to make right decisions and do them without hesitation
Give yourself to God totally in everything you do through times of consecration
In Conversion, you lay aside your sin and in Consecration, you lay aside your will
This is the way your life should be and this is the way to be satisfied and fulfilled
You have been waiting for God to bring you to where you have longed to be
He has always been there waiting for you to consecrate yourself; for it is the key
God is not withholding anything from you for He will give you your heart’s desire
As long as you keep Him first place in your life, then through faith you can acquire
The Lord has always been there for you during the times when He was needed
Because someone stood in the gap for you in prayer; this is why you succeeded
You will never be at peace if you walk in the path of the wayward trail
Only with God’s help you can overcome every situation and successfully prevail
You had some good times last year, and also times of discouragements and woe
But God has always been there for you no matter what and where you go
Don’t look at your failures, for they will now become your stepping stone
You will do better things this year because with God’s help you are not alone
You have now turned the corner to be refreshed and to experience the new
Because the Lord of Host is still with you this year to help you make it through
God will never leave nor forsake you, and His blessing for you will be revealed
As you make the right decision through consecration and lay aside your will