Why do you support someone with your vote when you know that they support abortion?
How can you vote for them and have a clear conscience without any sign of an emotion?
Do not use your influence to encourage others to support abortion when the bible speaks against it.
If you are a minister of the gospel who endorses abortion, then it will bring division and cause a split
When you speak against the laws of God from the seeds you planted; you will reap what you sow
Don't vote by the color of their skin, but vote on the information on what you know
Things that are true, lovely, honest, good, and with virtue and praise; VOTE on these things
Your vote does count, and who you vote for, either good or bad, is what your vote will bring
A child starts developing at conception. Man cannot choose to destroy, no matter the circumstance
Give thanksgiving to GOD because you were not aborted: so, let the children live and have their chance
There is a spiritual war taking place in the heart of man concerning the war room
Children are being attacked by man and used by the devil against children in the mother’s womb
Many ministers are falling into the lies of the devil on things contrary to the Word
Don’t listen and follow those who support evil, so take heed to what you have heard
Be cautious to whom you listen to, even, if they are well known and have a majority
When they speak of things that do not line up with God, then they do not speak with authority
You are living in the last days, so take heed and listen to sound doctrine
So you won’t partake of poison or venom, and receive a teaching that is toxin
Don’t judge a man, but judge the sayings that comes forth, so you won’t be misled
And stay with the Word and in God’s presence through prayer and be Spirit led