It does not matter when you vote, if they are red, yellow, black or white.

The only thing that matters is; are they standing up for what is honorable and right?

Don't vote for those because of who they are, or by the color of their skin

If you vote for those who refuse to stand up for righteousness, you become partners with them in sin

Some will say that they are not going to vote for anyone this time

Then why do you call yourself an American, when you refuse to stand in line

Do what is right in the sight of God and stand up as an American and take your stand

Vote for those who have been productive in the past and they will do it again

Stand up for the truth that is in agreement with God's Word for this is your obligation and part

Then, you will have a supernatural peace given to you because you have followed God in your heart

If you believe in justice, righteousness, freedom of speech, and living the dream the American way

Then, do what you know to do and vote for that which is good for America on this Election Day

This is a crucial time for the Body of Christ to respond to the call

Because who you vote for can help this nation stand, or cause it to fall

Stop complaining by judging one another and together in the love of God, stand your ground

Rise up and let your voice be heard and make America great again by turning it around

Today is a very exciting day because it is Election Day when many votes are counted and sealed

Many prayers have gone up before the Lord that only truth will reign and God's Glory will be revealed