Thoughts are seeds planted in the garden of your mind
Be cautious on the ones you meditate on, for they will show up on the vine
Thoughts will be delivered by the tongue to produce either a harvest or a crop failure
You will be blessed or cursed according to your words, attitudes and behavior
In order to be an overcomer, your thought life must have a positive mindset,
So that the garden of your mind will be healthy and you will be blessed without any regrets
Beware of what you plant in the garden of your mind because you will receive
The harvest of what you have planted, good or bad, for it depends on your seed
Success or defeat begins in the mind and comes out of the mouth to manifest
Keep the Word of God active in your thought life and don’t you dare digress
What you think about the most, you will lean and gravitate into that direction.
What you receive in life, is the results of the thoughts from inside reflections
There are many thoughts that will go into the garden of your mind that can grow
Meditate on positive thoughts and speak them out of your mouth as seeds to sow
What you sow is what you will reap, so be sure not to let the weeds of unbelief enter in
Keep the garden of your mind cleansed with God’s Word and you will always win
There are no limitations in what you can do, except the limitations of your own mind
Everything you need is in the power of the tongue, so be positive and don’t look behind
Your thinking writes your future, and your tongue will bring it into view
When you have this revelation then there will be nothing impossible for you
A well trained memory is one that permits you to forget everything that brings harm
You will be able to distinguish the good from the bad, for your mind will signal an alarm
Don't become like the people of this world, instead, change the way you think.
You will overcome every situation that comes against you for you will rise up and not sink
Thoughts are seeds planted in the garden of your mind, so protect it through God’s grace
Therefore, think differently and stand with positive thoughts in your life and take your place.