Be determine to stand forever, because you believe that you are healed
Regardless of what your mind tells you on how you feel
It is a good fight that you are fighting, so stand your ground
Don't let the pain in your body and your emotions take charge and keep your down
When your pain has increased and you don't know what else to do
Boldly continue to let God's healing scriptures flow out from you
Sometimes your faith will waiver and you are tempted to give up and complain
Take charge of your thoughts and say, No Satan! I'm healed in Jesus Name
Encourage yourself in the Lord knowing that you have inside information
For the healing anointing is at work in your body to bring about a complete restoration
Sometimes healing will not manifest instantly over night
It is a fight of your faith, as you consistently walk in the light
But it will come into fruition if you hold fast to what you believe
Don't let go of your faith because soon a manifestation you will see
See yourself healed, even when it seems as though it is impossible to comprehend
But you received healing in the past and the same faith that healed you will do it again
Are you determine to stand as long as it takes to bring healing into view
Your recovery is in your hands, so rise up and let God’s Word flow from you
See yourself healthy, healed and whole for what you believe will come to pass
Then you will finally see the manifestation of what you have been believing for at last