You have been trained in the Word of God because in your heart it has been applied
Do you still remember what you have been taught, that you are a king inside?
You are a child of the King because the Holy Spirit, the Greater One lives in you
Do you realize who you are and the authority that you have since you are brand new?
Authority doesn’t beg, it doesn’t ask, it will command the devil and sickness to flee
The Word of God says that where the word of a king is there is authority
If we as Christians never grow up spiritually, it will greatly hinder the king in us
We have been created to win and to reign in life as kings, to walk in His Righteousness
How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel and bring glad tidings of good things
We have the gift of righteousness and we have been destined to reign in life as kings
You are blessed, protected and empowered by the Holy Spirit in you as a guarantee
Stir up yourself and remember who you are inside, and then walk in your authority
Expect to win, to walk in victory, to dominate, to overcome and to run your race
You have been chosen and anointed to reign as a king, so take your place
You will be welcomed to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb because you have been redeemed and spiritually fit
You are joint heirs with Christ and have received your inheritance through relationship
You have an eternal destination without an end and it is not just a short life passing fling
You are in a royal family within the Kingdom of God, which is a family of kings
You are the ones chosen by God, chosen from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted
Through His love, mercy and grace, He created you in Him and in Him you became connected
Do you remember who you are?
You are a child of the King and the Greater One lives in you
No matter what you go through, you are going to make it through
You are Beautiful, Unique, Special, Lovely, Precious, Important, Forgiven, Protected, Empowered, Chosen and Loved
You are a family of priests and kings, and every good gift and every perfect gift is from God above
God has cleared the ground under you so your footing will be solid and firm
So, remember who you are in Him, and arise in Him, and let the Holy Spirit in your burn