It is not a man or a personality that can bring a revival in
It is when God's people pray and repent of the unrighteousness of sin
True revival comes when hearts are hungry and thirsty for a change
The glory of the Lord will come forth through a down pour of a Holy Ghost rain
A true revival is when there is repentance, worship, weeping and souls are having a change of heart
The goodness of God will be on display and the Spirit of God will transform and give people a brand new start.
It will be a mighty move of the hand of God that will sweep the nations.
Many souls will come into the Kingdom of God through the down pour of God's demonstrations
The gates of hell will not prevail against the church for it has been awaken
The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ will spread like fire and the kingdom of darkness will be shaken
There will be a great division between those who love God and those who are spiritually cold
It has been prophesied by the Spirit through the prophets of yesterdays, for it has been foretold
If you want to be a part of this last day revival then you will need to turn from sin
And go to God in prayer and make some adjustments from your heart within
Many have been called, but few have chosen to turn from their wicked ways
The time is short for all things to come to an end, for these are the last days
There is a sound in the spiritual realm of a mighty host of angels sent to assist in this move
Those who come against the move of what God is doing will be taken out of the way and remove
Your best is yet to come because you have been redeemed and because of God’s grace you have been approved
Arise and shine for thy light has come and the glory of the Lord shall be risen upon thee
Soften your heart now through prayer and you will experience the fullness of the Holy Ghost Gloriously