When you are facing discouragement, oppression, sickness or defeat; Remember who you are 

You are a Child of the King, your healer, the one who will restore and heal every wound and scar 

No matter what the devil has told you, you are special and precious in God's sight 

Remember when you were held in bondage to sin and God brought you into the light?

Who are you? You are the righteousness of God in Christ because of the blood that was shed 

You are born of the Holy Spirit and by the grace of God you can be filled and be Spirit led 

You belong to God because you have been bought with a price and have been declared redeemed 

 You are no longer an outcast. You stand in God's presence clothed in glory, brand new and clean 

Do you really want to know who you are? You are created in the image of God and created to win 

You have been raised far above all principalities, powers, might, dominion and over every enemy 

You are a joint heir with Christ and are seated with Him at the Father's right side 

This is only the beginning of knowing who you are in Him, who is living on the inside 

You are in the family of God and are no longer under the curse of the law 

Sickness, disease, poverty and spiritual death for you has been redeemed from them all 

You are the sheep of His pasture and He will watch, feed and lead you in the right direction

He is your Chief Shepherd, Great Shepherd and Good Shepherd who gives you divine protection 

Remember who you are and give God praise and thanksgiving because in Him you live and move 

Because of His love, kindness and His mercy toward you, you have been accepted and approved