I had place the Holy Spirit’s anointing upon my servant Reagan to do my will
That same anointing has been given to my servant Trump for America to pursue and fulfill
Prepare yourselves for there will be more perilous times to come before the election
Stay alert, diligent, prayerful, and in communion with God and follow
His direction
It was prophesied that the corruption that is in the deep state swamp will be drained
It will come to pass for it has been spoken and there will be much victory to gain
There will be a landslide of victory throughout the entire world that will be made known
This is my plan against the enemy, and his demons will flee in fear and be overthrown
Do not give glory to any man who has taken the lead to turn this nation around
I have others joining together with him to make America great, safe and sound
The time has come for that which has been hidden to be exposed during this time and season
Many leaders will be judged for coming against Israel and my people through treason
It is not the voting that will drain out the corruption that is running rampant from coast to coast
It is through the prayers of my people who put their trust in me and in the power of the Holy Ghost
I have been waiting for this moment for my people to return back to me in faith and in prayer
Get ready to see a greater move of my Spirit throughout America and in the world
I have heard the prayers of my people, and my power has been released and unfurled
Rise up Soldiers of the cross, and use the Name of Jesus and the Sword of the Spirit
It time for the Body of Christ to quit judging and rise and take charge, and let the devil hear it
Your greatest days are ahead of you so you have much cause to dance and shout
But, remember this! I am God Almighty, your Heavenly Father who has brought you out
Stay in faith! Don’t withdraw from prayer and faith; remain diligent and grounded
Arise and shine for the light has risen, so, rejoice because the trumpet has been sounded