Don’t sit down in a foxhole dugout and say what will be will be, like a coward turning back

Take the Sword of the Spirit and throw a Holy Ghost grenade at the enemy and attack

Don’t cave in because of the lies that are told about this nation, for the future is bright

Stand up with boldness and say the Greater One is in you for you will not be quiet

A champion will not lay down and play dead in a raging spiritual war

There are more things to accomplish in prayer, so take charge for there is more

God is moving and revival is here, for God is saying there is coming a law of justice

We are not done yet, so let’s pray instead of speaking the language of unrighteousness

It is not time to party saying that we have won because of God’s love and grace

Stay alert and keep fighting the good fight of faith, don’t slack up, but make haste

Many will lose out in the battle because they did not engage the fight from their heart

They remained in their foxhole and did nothing, and their families were torn apart

Pick up the Helmet of Salvation, the Sword of the Spirit, the Shield of Faith, and move on

It is no time for a foxhole mentality just sitting there and singing your favorite song

You have the whole armor of God and have what it takes to face the enemy

You have been equipped by God with His strength and have been given a new identity

You are not alone. You have God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Angels, and the Word of God to win

So, stand up soldier, about face soldier, and March onward and start winning again

Living Word Church McDonough