Returning Back to God
Don't lower your standards of living by letting your flesh dominate and
control you
Spend time with God and his Word and let him be your guide and be
your rescue.
Live your life in purity by walking in the way of holiness.
This is how you give God all the glory when you walk in his righteousness.
Don't live like the world and expect others to see Jesus in you to set them free.
You have been chosen by God to shine forth the light so that they can see.
It is our responsibility to do our part by living according to God's Word.
How can we be an example for the world to see if we are not doing what we have heard?
Many of God's people have become too causal on the inside and out.
They have adapted themselves to the world's ways and no longer have a shout.
It is time for the church to return back to God through repentance from the heart.
The standard of righteousness and holiness must again be the forefront and never again depart.
If you see yourself slipping away from God and there is a change in your lifestyle,
Then it is because you haven't been in God's presence in prayer for a while.
So raise your standard of living righteously before God and man and you will experience
God's best.
Then your faith will effectively work mightily through you and you will have peace as you enter into his rest.