The Changing of the Nation The Changing of the NationDo not be moved by what you have seen and what you have heard.I am the God of this Nation and no matter what has taken place, I have the last word.Even while the enemy is laughing thinking that he has succeeded and won.I am also called the Spirit of Judgement and much suffering for many will come.I watch over my word to perform it so don't get in my way.My plans will still come to pass no matter what the enemy will say.Many people are being used by the devil for they do not understand and see.That they are not coming against a man and when they come against this nation they are coming against me.Those who are on the attack will die suddenly with sickness and disease and so much moreBecause they are following a spirit of hatred and strife and have open the door.Judgement begins in the house of God to those who say they belong to me.Many of them will not see the connection of their fowl words and will face tragedy.There will be a change in the atmosphere because of these demons of corruption.Many people who have been influenced by them will also experience destruction.To those who are called by my name and are walking in the light will not be afraid or shaken.And when sudden destruction comes according to my word; their peace will not be taken.Everything you hear and see is a manifestation of Pride, Jealousy and StrifeSo come out from among them and touch not the unclean in order to protect your life.Lift up your voice toward the heavens for angels are all around and about.The enemy is out-numbered; and with me on your side just have faith and don’t doubt.It is not over yet for there are some things in this nation that has been erupted.Many leaders of this nation will be replaced by others because they have been corrupted.So rejoice and be glad for there are some things that will soon come into sight.Because I am still moving this very hour and are bringing what is in the dark to the light. Living Word Church McDonoughDecember 19, 2019 Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr 0 Likes