Are you Backslidden in Heart?

Are you Backslidden in Heart?

To be backslidden in heart is when you have lost your thirst and hunger for more

Your commitment level have dropped and the things of God have become a bore

Even when you attend church, you know the Word of God is true

But the zeal that you once had for God's Word, no longer thrills and excites you

The joy of worship is no longer coming from the inner most being of your heart

You have become too occupied in the pleasures of this world that you have embarked

Your thoughts are mostly centered around yourself and your own desires

No longer aglow and with the Spirit because you have slowly lost your fire

You need to take this message personally as though God is talking to you

Don’t continue to ignore God because there are some things He wants you to do

Revival only comes when you are hungry and thirsty for him

Then a change will take place in your heart out from the heavenly realm

Jesus said if you are hungry and thirsty after righteousness you shall be filled

Then your heart will be changed and again you will be excited and thrilled

The last days are upon the earth, for many have become cold in their heart

God is waiting on you to return back to him so His Glory He can impart

Many of God’s people have no joy because their joy have withered away

Because of the decisions that they have made to go astray

Search your heart right now and see if this message is talking to you

If you really want the fire of God back in your life then you know what to do

Ask God to forgive you from being backslidden in your heart

And His fire will again be back into your life and give you a fresh start

The choice is up to you for you to make a total sacrifice

In order to experience this revival you will have to pay the price

2 Chronicles 7:14 New Living Translation: Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.