We Are the People
WE ARE THE PEOPLE and we will continue do what is right
We will stand up for America and will not go down helplessly into the night
The government will not control us for we have taken our stand
We are Americans and we will not let political leaders gain control
and take our land
No government will not rule or reign over us through dictatorship
We have the Declaration of Independence on our side and it
stands for righteousness
We have the freedom of speech to vote for anyone we choose
We will not vote for the ones who know the first amendment and yet refuse
We are a mighty army of Americans and we claim our rights
We will stand up for our freedom and together we will all stand and fight
We are a Christian Nation and no enemy can separate us or tear us apart
Our flag is still red, white and blue and we will remain Americans
in our heart
Some say they are Republicans and others say they are Democrats, Liberals or conservatives
But we say WE ARE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America that has been given rights and privileges by the creator of the highest authority
God have always had a people who would blaze the trail so that all mankind could remain free
This is why he gave us the Declaration of Independence so we can keep our freedom and walk in Liberty
No matter how hard our enemies are trying to bring us down
It will always backfire because it will expose them and
move us up to higher ground
So stay the course and don't let anyone put fear in your heart because of their lies
Remember who you are and be ready to stand up for our Flag as it flies
God bless America and it is the home of the brave
We hold this land so dear to us because this is the land that God gave
We hold these truths to be self-evident that in God we shall always rely
In Him we trust and we are the people of who He has created us to be inside
Yes! We are blessed to be in America