Love and Unity

October 9, 2021 

When the Body of Christ is facing an attack from the enemy; the aggressor

No matter the color of their skin or race, everyone must be united and stick together

To be in unity and in one accord is the key to overcome derision

Where the Spirit of the Lord and unity is, there will be no division

In everything you do, maintain a Spirit of faith and love, and let unity be seen

You will be tapping into the power source of God to bring in His blessings un-seen

Speak evil of no one so that unity will reign in your life

Stay in the love of God and don't live in a state of division and strife

Many have stepped into division because of who they spend time with in fellowship

Withdraw yourself from them who are speaking guile that can hinder relationships

No matter if you are red, yellow, black or white

Everyone in the human race are precious in God’s sight

When the local church is in love and unity with each other

Then no devil can separate you from your sisters and brothers

For faith to work in your life, faith must be rooted in God’s love

Then you will experience the power of God in your life from heaven above

Walk in love and unity with each other and never break rank

You will always be an overcomer even if others and the devil says you can’t