Be Ready Because Time is Short

Oct 11, 2021

You better be ready because life on earth is not a game 

Things are rapidly changing and your life will not be the same

There will be shortages in many areas and many will not be prepared

You need to be totally committed to God, His Word and spiritually be aware

Many of God’s people want to enjoy life and be encouraged, but not corrected

They refused to listen to wise counsel and left the fold and church neglected

They let other things get in their way and church was no longer priority

They are now addicted to the pleasures of this world and do them habitually

Changes are taking place on earth, the weather, floods, storms and much more

The end time is here and perilous times will continue to move forward

Devastation of natural event will strike without warning with no time to escape 

A time of preparation was not taken heed to, therefore they waited too late

Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, for it shall be

Earthquakes in divers places, famines, pestilences and great signs shall you see

In the last days many will spend their time enjoying the pleasures of the world

They are being led by a spirit of a satanic origin, the under-world

Men's hearts will fail them in fear for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

When destruction comes; those who are prepared, their foot shall not be taken 

According to God’s time table, it is one minute before midnight

Many will not be prepared because they have refused to walk in the light

While the earth is groaning and travailing, this is what you must do

Watch therefore and pray, and you will experience a divine protection for you

If ye are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land

If you refuse to obey, then your fate will be in your own hands

But for those who will take heed to God’s voice; obey and follow His ways 

Will enjoy the pleasures of heaven, for soon Jesus will be back to take them away