When you have taken your last breath
Oct 13, 2021
There is a door that everyone will have to go through and its’ called death
It is when everything in your body shuts down and you have taken your last breath
As a Christian; to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord
It is then when you will enter into heaven and receive your eternal rewards
Your life on earth is as a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away
No matter what door you go through; heaven or hell, there you will stay
Thousands of people die every day and many will enter the door to hell
Because they did not receive Jesus as their savior for they rejected and rebelled
Serving God is not a religion where you only work to please people with activities
Serving God is when you glorify God in everything you do; it’s called Christianity
Heaven is active, beautiful and real and many have already gone before you
When you have taken your last breath, you will enter in and join them too
God has set before you, life and death so therefore you need to make a choice
The only way you can enter into heaven is to listen and take heed to His voice
Life is only for a moment in time, but eternity will last forever
God’s desire is for you to have a fellowship with him and not be severed
Death is not to be feared if you have made it right with God in your heart
Then you will know that you will spend eternity with him and never be apart
Death to a Christian is the exchanging of a body for a permanent place
At death you will exchange your mortal body for an immortal body ending the race
It is not like the tragic passing of the unrighteous who will enter the gates of hell
Who had rejected the door of salvation and by their rejection, the devil prevailed
As a Christian, you are not lost, you are not hopeless and death is not the end
And if you are alive when the trumpet sound, then with Jesus you will ascend
Where will you be when you have taken your last breath?
As a Child of God you will be in heaven for you don’t have to fear death