When Things Look Impossible

Oct 15, 2021

When it seem as though you are not going to make it because it looks impossible

Keep believing and don’t lose sight of your dreams, then you will be unstoppable

Don’t lose hope in what you are capable of accomplishing, so keep on pursuing

Stay with it and don’t quit. Keep the dreams fresh in your mind and keep on doing

Don’t listen to anyone who says this is as far as you can go

Stay with your dreams and win because inside your heart you know

No matter how long it takes, keep on pushing ahead

When things haven’t worked out, maintain a positive attitude instead

Success will not happen overnight, but if you stay with it, then you will surely see

The reality of your dreams come to pass when you stay focused and believe

Keep your eyes on the goal and let nothing or anyone bring you down

When you know that you have God’s potential, then things will turn around

You have everything you need to fulfill the dreams that are in your heart

Keep a winning attitude and ask God for help, and keep pressing toward the mark

Don’t be discouraged when things are not moving fast, but slow

You are going to make it because you have faith on the inside and you know

So when things look impossible just keep going and get your second wind

Because you know what you can do; you will keep winning again and again