Marriage! A Sacred Thing
October 14, 2021
Marriage is a sacred thing between a woman and a man
It is forbidden to just live together by not following God’s plan
Therefore a man shall leave father and mother and cleave to his wife
And both shall be united together in the presence of God to start a new life
Vows of commitments are to be spoken to seal the covenant that is being made
As they are joined together in holy matrimony, they will be united and have vows to obey
It has always been God's way for a woman and a man to become as one flesh
When it is performed God's way, the Spirit of God will be involved to make the marriage a success
A Godly marriage in the eyes of God is a sacred thing and is biblically solid
When marriage is built on love and trust, then it will be holy, pure and not spotted
Protect you marriage at all cost so the devil won’t have an opportunity to attack
Continue to love and be faithful to each other to avoid a separation or a setback
Marriage is a mutual agreement between a man and a woman for a lifelong union
They are to stay married as long as they live, joined together by a Holy Spirit fusion
He who has found a wife, found a good thing, and obtain favor of the Lord
When God brings a couple together, His blessings will move them forward
Marriage is a sacred thing and because of God you are truly blessed
Be thankful for the one that God has given you for He gave you the best