You Are What You Are

October 19, 2021


You are what you are because of the things you say

Speak God's Word over your life and things will turn out that way

You bring things to pass with words formed and released by the tongue

Words that are unspoken will not produce anything because faith was left undone

Be positive in your words then you will notice a change on how you feel

The Word of God concerning health will work in your body and you will be healed

Guard you mouth from speaking words that will come forth and self-destruct

Your success is in your hands through the actions of words that are not corrupt

Words will paint pictures and what you think and say is what you will see

When you speak faith filled words about a certain situation, there it shall be

All of creation came forth from spoken words in the very beginning of time

God’s Word is alive and active like a seed that is producing after its kind

Quit magnifying the problems because it will cause faith to become weak and dissolve

No matter how big they are, speak God’s Word in faith and they will be resolved

Don’t speak negative words over your business with doubt, because it will respond

The words you say, good or bad will either bloom and grow or die and be embalmed

Death and life are in the power of your words for you can have what you say

Change your way of thinking and saying through God’s Word and you will not be dismayed

You overcome by the words of your testimony through the power of God’s Word

So be positive and talk faith and you will succeed as you take heed to what you have heard

Remember!  You are what you are because of the words that are spoken

Be positive and speak the right words and your life will no longer be broken