When Things Look Hopeless and is Bleak
Oct 2, 2021
When everything around you is filled with darkness, hopelessness and is bleak
And crime, destruction, hatred and corruption is at its peek
The church is not a building made of wood, bricks or gold, with a shining steeple
It is those who are washed in the Blood of the Lamb who are God’s people
This day, God will divide the righteous from the wicked with a supernatural rescue
Right in the midst of biological warfare, God said that He will deliver you
The church is the Holy Ghost, blood washed Children of God, full of power
They will not be overtaken by the enemy through sickness and disease to devour
The church of the Lord Jesus Christ will not bow down and vanish in the night
It is alive and victorious with the Spirit of God full of Power and Might
Keep your faith and trust in your God and He will show you what He will do
During the attacks from the devil and his cohorts, God will bring you through
God will protect them who will put their trust in him and His Word
God responds to the ones who are walking in faith by what they have heard
His Word says in the midst of chaos and destruction, your foot will not be taken
When you trust in him totally, then you will not be full of fear and be shaken
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High
Shall have divine protection and will live and not die
Many will perish all around you, but be not fearful and full of care
Hold fast to the confession of your faith and speak with boldness and declare,
That you are a Child of God and the Greater one lives in you
That you are walking in His divine protection and God will bring you through