How Big Is God

Oct 4, 2021

The creator of the universe is bigger than you can imagine with mercy and grace

He is unconditional love that cannot be understood by any man OR any race

To fall in love with God is your greatest romance. He is your greatest adventure

He will love you as His Child. He will guard and protect you as your avenger

He cannot be explained by theologians, or any college professor with a degree

God is the beginning and the end, the first and the last, He is God of all authority

Can you search the limits of God Almighty?  Are you able to comprehend?

No man or any being in heaven is able to know all about God and to comprehend

How big is God and how big is His vast domain?

It is far above man’s knowledge and understanding to attain

He is the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God for ever and ever

There is no one who is like him and will never be, No! Not Ever

God is not human, that he should lie or should He ever change his mind

He is the all sufficient one, the only true God, for He is God Divine

He is holy and perfect. He is righteous and pure; and a merciful God toward you

He is all you need in life to make you a success for him to work through

God will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant that He has made

He revealed Himself in His Son Jesus for the total sacrifice to be paid

God is gracious and compassionate. He will not turn his face from His own

God is big enough to take care of you because as a Child of His, You Belong

You will never be able to understand God’s love and His compassion

His love is for everyone, and as your Heavenly Father you are His passion

God wants you to come and experience Him in a personal relationship with Him

He is encouraging you to come boldly into the throne room by saying, come on in

He is able to make all grace abound to you and always supply your every need

All you have to do is to come to Him with boldness in faith and receive

How Big Is God?

He created the heavens, earth, light, fruit trees, creatures, grass, and herbs.

Through Faith He created everything, and through faith all things occurred

He measured the ocean by Himself and stretched out the sky with His own hand

The rotation of the earth and all planets in the universe was set on a time span

God shut in the sea with a limit and boundary on how far it can go to shore

The ocean was measured by His palm and He shut in the sea with doors

He is filled with majesty and dignity, and clothed with glory and splendor

When time has ended, all who will stand in His presence will bow and surrender

He is everything you need to be complete and to enjoy the blessings He brings

He is Jesus, the Great I am, the Lord of Lord and the King of kings

So do not be full of worry and care, because you serve a Big God