Rise Up

October 5, 2021

No matter how many time you have been knocked down

You can rise up to the place where you can smile and not frown

You can rise up when all the pressure has been heavy on your head

You can rise up and rejoice again and keep on moving with joy without dread

Don’t just rise up one time, but time and time again, keep rising up to the top

You may be knocked down again but keep rising up and don’t dare stop

You have been born to live on top of everything that tries to pull you down

Don’t let discouragement and the darkness of the night knock you to the ground

Keep rising up when the devil tries to convince you to go the other way

Rise up again and again and let him know that this is the day the Lord has made

When everything around has fallen apart and you feel defeated and sad

Rise up with the Word of God and the Name of Jesus and again be glad

It doesn’t matter how many time you have to rise up, but do it anyway

Keep rising up again and again and you will drive the darkness away