Are You Hungry and Thirsty?
November 28, 2021
If you hunger and thirst after righteousness, then you will be filled
God will manifest himself to you through His presence, which will be revealed
Blessed are they who are hungry and thirsty, for they will be satisfied
They will experience God’s divine protection, which is approved and ratified
If you do not have a hunger for God, then your flesh will lead you astray
It will take you into bondage and heartaches to be held captive in disarray
God wants you to love Him more than anything with an intense desire
Without that desire for Him, you will never experience a Holy Ghost fire
Your foremost goal should be to know Him and have times of intimacy
Love God with all your heart without limitations, and love Him infinitely
Yield your will to Him and let him know that you surrender all
Draw nigh to Him with your whole heart and take heed to His call
Mean business with God and He will mean business with you
Walk with Him daily and nothing will be impossible for you to do
To have a true hunger for God, this should always be your plea
It is not some of self and some of thee, but none of self and all of thee
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind
Do you still keep Him first place, or has your love declined?
Evaluate yourself to see how much you love God through your actions
Jesus said, He who loves me will keep my commandment with no distractions
A hunger is a strong desire, craving, longing, a thirst and a holy yearning
You will be consumed with the Word in your heart for it is alive and burning
God is not looking for Golden Vessels or Silver Vessels, but those who are yielded
Those who desire Him, those who have a hunger to know Him will be shielded
Evaluate and judge yourself and see if God is still first place in your life today
Come back with a sincere heart for He is still the Truth, the Life and the Way
His desire is for you to love Him and give Him all of your heart
O, Taste and see that He is good and His love for you will never depart